
We know finding the best prices matters to you, so we created Halan Shop—an exclusive on-app experience where you’ll find unbeatable deals on electronics, home appliances, mobile phones, and more. Plus, with Halan Gomla, you can shop groceries at incredible prices with new offers every day. 

Discover Amazing Deals on Appliances, Mobiles, and Electronics 

At Halan Shop, you'll find the best prices on a wide selection of appliances, mobiles, and electronics, along with flexible payment options. Explore unbeatable deals on top products and see how easy it is to get what you want. 

Exciting Offers Just for You

Enjoy discounted prices and exclusive promotions across all categories. Whether you're upgrading your home or buying the latest gadgets, there's something for everyone. 

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This week’s incredible offers

Exciting Offers Just for You 

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Flexible Payment Options

Affordability matters, and we’ve made it easier for you. With Halan Shop, choose flexible payment plans to own the items you want over 6, 12, or 36 months. Apply for a limit of up to 500,000 L.E. or pay with cash or card—the choice is yours! 

At Halan Shop, your dream appliances, mobiles, and electronics are always within reach. 

Explore unbeatable prices and flexible payment options today! Shop smarter. Shop Halan. 

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Halan Gomla

Your Wholesale Grocery Destination

Welcome to Halan Gomla, where incredible wholesale prices meet convenience. Shop from a wide range of foods and essentials, all delivered within 24 hours. From pantry staples to personal care products, we've got all your grocery needs covered. Explore our user-friendly categories and find everything you need for your home. Plus, enjoy incredible offers every day!

This week’s incredible offers

Incredible Offers at Halan Gomla 

Go to Halan Gomla

How to Order from Halan Gomla?


Download Halan App

Get started by downloading the Halan App from your preferred app store. 

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Select Halan Gomla

Navigate to the Halan Gomla section within the app to access our wholesale offerings. 

Download Halan App Available on

Choose Your Products

Explore our extensive range of products and add your desired items to your cart. 

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Select Payment Method

Choose from a variety of payment options to complete your purchase securely. Or apply for a limit, and pay for all your bulk buys in installments of 6, 12 or even 36 months.

Download Halan App Available on

Place Your Order

Confirm your order and relax as your essentials are swiftly delivered to your doorstep. 

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